Monday, May 18, 2015

It's a.... baby!

Layton and I found out 7 weeks ago that I am pregnant!  I am now 12 weeks (and 1 day technically) and I had an ultrasound this last Friday.  It was awesome to see our little peanut up on the big screen.  At first the baby wasn't moving around, it must have been sleeping ;)  But then it "woke up" and starting moving around a ton!  It was so crazy to see the baby moving around but not be able to feel it at all.  It even waved to us, obviously it wasn't aware that that's what it seemed like it was doing, but the hand was raised and moving around.  It was awesome.  Hearing the heartbeat was also super cool -- 175 bpm.  Which apparently is the heartbeat of a girl, but we shall see... that is an old wives tale pretty sure, but we'll find out in a few weeks.

We had our one year anniversary yesterday.  It has been raining a ton this weekend and poured on Saturday.  We just kept saying that we were happy we didn't get married this year.  We had prime conditions for our wedding and pictures last year and I am very grateful for that.  We had a nice, cozy weekend at the cabin and enjoyed looking at our wedding pictures last night.  It's pretty crazy to think that in about 6 months, we will have a baby.  Layton's parents gave us a baby blanket and some onesies last night as an anniversary gift.  I almost can't believe that we're going to have a little human to fit into those little onesies... I'm excited to meet him/her later on this year.


  1. YAYYYY! Congrats congrats congrats Shimai and hubby!! Love you!! You will be an incredible mom!! ♥

  2. Thanks anderson Shimai! haha i still can't bring myself to call you Jena. Love you too!! I'm glad that you know :)

    1. Yay, me too!! <3 So exciting!! P.S., literally, I was trying to tell someone about your Batman face the other day... I still can't imitate it well enough. You are going to be a wonderful mother... and raise beautiful children who can smile like Batman.
