Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Get Out Games

On Saturday, 7/22, we did an Escape Room at Get Out Games in Provo with our married Checketts’ siblings.  We’ve been doing monthly get togethers this summer and it has been so fun!  So far we’ve had a game night, a concert and this escape room.  If you have not heard of what seems to be this recent phenomenon of escape rooms, I highly suggest checking them out!  They are incredibly fun! We’ve done a Harry Potter themed one before which I, of course, loved.

This one was more science themed.  There had been a nuclear spill of one kind or another and we had to shut off different parts of reactors and what not to shut the system down before it went berserk.  They had fake smoke periodically pouring into the room and wouldn’t shut off until we had unlocked the box to press the button.  Then there was a tiny room within our room that housed the reactor that we had to shut down, and then we had to figure out how to get out of the room to shut the entire system down. There were several different keys and clues that we had to work out and you only have 60 minutes!  If you don’t figure it out, they leave you locked in the room f-o-r-e-v-e-r. Kidding….

We got out with I think 10 minutes to spare.  It was fun!  Although I often feel like I don’t do much (I tend to hang back in these situations), it is still so fun to try to work through the puzzles and figure things out.  I especially loved the Harry Potter one because it was all Harry Potter and things I love.  Whereas this one had the Periodic Table of the Elements and that doesn’t get me too excited… I can’t wait to do another escape room though!  We have a few in Salt Lake and I am excited to try them out.    

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