Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Let's get political

There has been so much written, read, said, sung, etc. the past week about the presidential election decision night that happened one week ago.  I will say it straight out, I did not want Donald Trump to win, nor did I ever actually think he would.  I was not nervous, I was not scared, I was not worried.  I had people around me who legitimately thought it could happen, I was not one of those people.  As I sat in front of my computer last Tuesday night with NBC Decision Night coverage streaming live, my stomach slowly got knotted tighter and tighter as the news reporter continuously mirrored my shock at what was actually happening.  I had that feeling of nerves and anxiety that induce my "no eating" feeling.  I started to get tears in my eyes at the thought of Trump winning.  I finally called it quits around 11:30, fairly certain I knew what the outcome was.  Layton stayed up much later to watch it all pan out.

I woke up the next morning and immediately checked the news on my phone to confirm what I already knew.  Donald Trump will be the 45th president-elect for the United States of America.  A business man who has slandered all types of people, women in particular.  He has been shown to be clearly racist, sexist and demeaning to other "different" types of people.  How did this happen?  How were his actions validated by at least 50% of America?

I can say that obviously "politicians" are not all clean, pure, completely honest individuals.  They might be slightly racist or sexist too.  I did not LOVE Hillary, but I certainly thought she was the wiser choice.  She has had experience, she knows what things generally work best in running a country.  Trump... no clue I don't think.  I don't know really.  I just know that there would probably be less fear with her in his place on everyone's part.  It is sad to hear about the riots that are already breaking out.  Is this how it's going to be?  A nation divided so much so after this it's going to be like when blacks were fighting for their equal rights?  That's honestly the first comparison that comes to mind.  I am not a professional writer.  My opinions could very well come across the "wrong"way.  But here's the thing... I honestly don't know what I think.  I don't have any resolution around all of it.
It has also not affected me as much as it has so many others.  I am a white woman with a secure job surrounded by fairly secure people.  But there are so many in this free country who are now extremely fearful, so much so they feel the need to fight back.  I don't know if people would feel this same way if Hillary had won... that's what I mean by I don't know what to think.  I don't have a resolution.  I just know that it's time for love.  Even if there is someone who did vote for Trump and I am astounded by that, it wasn't personal to me, and what can be more helpful is to treat them like a human being with a heart and feelings that are just as real as mine.

I don't want to be accusatory or attacking.  I am personally saying, I did not want Trump to win.  I did not want someone who has come across in such a degrading, unloving, egotistical way to be running this country.

Thankfully he is not King.  He cannot do whatever he wants.  I think he has already had a dose of humility from winning and suddenly realizing he probably doesn't have a clue.  I want to be like Obama and just say, we're all rooting for him now because at this point, there's nothing else to be done and we don't want these next four years to cause our country to go up in flames.  I believe in prayer and that God is watching over us.  He knows what is going on and He is not freaking out.  We are all in His hands, even though we all have our free choice, we can trust God is there.  That is what I believe and how I find hope in this situation.

It's been sad to see the many people who clearly felt the way I do and make public declarations of their disappointment and then see someone tell them that they are wrong. That was even more upsetting to me.  How is that helpful? That is not anyone's place and in most situations, there isn't a wrong anyways.  There are differences but not necessarily a right and a wrong.  Those comments showed me that it really is just time to accept what is, even if someone made a choice that I disagree with and do what I can to love and trust.

I am normally not a political person.  I just don't understand so much of it and often don't pay attention to what is going on.  This time it was impossible and it has taught me that I want to be more informed.  It is tough because it can be so depressing at times.  One good thing we know that can come out of this is that politics will change.  You can't have Donald Trump be the president and not have some political molds break.  It just will which will be amazing.  Maybe next time a woman will win or something else that we've been fighting for will succeed.

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