Friday, May 30, 2014

Somewhat infuriating and exhilarating

I was reading a magazine yesterday and came across an article that was about the habits of "Naturally fit and Healthy People." Something like that.  Anyway, I knew what I was getting into from the cover of that magazine since it's title was "Health."  But still, when I read this article, it really got at me. 

I got to the article that had sparked a little interest and as I began reading, started to feel a little fury rise in me.  There were all these "tips" for how to live a "healthy life" and to "be fit."  I believe it has the potential to be good advice, but having been the girl who felt desperate because of the way her body was and the way she lived and knowing that it wasn't healthy and trying to do all those things just made it worse, makes it hard to see it as such.  Knowing that the food I ate was "bad" according to whoever deems what is "healthy." I white-knuckled those tips every day, and then when I committed the last tip, and fell into the "despair" of committing a "mistake" I felt worthless.  The last "tip" said that when you "fall" and make the "mistake" of eating a piece of cheesecake or skipping a workout, don't worry! because when you buck yourself off that workout/healthy/fit/in-shape horse you can get right back into that no-cellulite thighs/perfectly-trim-hips/always-feel-awesome-about-yourself-'cause-you-workout-and-don't-make-mistakes-like-eating-cheesecake saddle!

Eating a piece of cheesecake is not a set-back.  It is not a mistake.  I am tired of hearing and seeing and reading and thinking that eating something that has the label of being "unhealthy" means that it's not right and you're not taking care of yourself.  I know that there are things that one might enjoy and receive pleasure from that could be a mistake because of the harmful effects and food is most certainly included in this.  I have harmed myself with food as I'm sure we all have.  But I believe that when I liberate myself to make choices based on what I feel my body wants, whether that's a bag of potato chips or some carrots, I am doing the right thing and I am not making a mistake.  When I get a hankering for some chocolate, I'm going to eat some chocolate and recognize WHY I am doing that and enjoy it for the joy it brings to me.  I will not feel guilty about it.  The problem can arise when I don't pay attention to the fact that I have been satisfied and don't need the chocolate anymore but continue to put it into my body anyway. But I can't stand when it is identified as a mistake or a set-back or you messed up.  That is not the truth. 

The truth is, we are to enjoy, be in tune with our bodies and if that means eating a bowl of ice cream before dinner then so be it.  If it means skipping a work out, then I accept it.  If it means going on a run, eating a veggie sandwich and basking in the glory of our incredible machines that are ours to love then bring it on. 

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